iPad Mini on Sale, Fitbit Zip, Oversized Chromebook, Multimeter

If you’ve been waiting for a good iPad Mini with Retina deal, this one is actually pretty solid. $430 gets you a 32GB model, which is the one most people should buy anyway. That’s $70 off retail, and notable because most iPad deals tend to only be for the 16GB models. [iPad Mini with Retina Display 32GB, $430]

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Source: LifeHacker – iPad Mini on Sale, Fitbit Zip, Oversized Chromebook, Multimeter

More Android App Credits, Kitchen Essentials, GoPro Cameras, USB Hubs

Yesterday, we showed you a way to get $20 in Amazon App Store coins with the purchase of GTA San Andreas for $7. But today, Amazon’s gone even further off the deep end with $9 of free Amazon Coins just for downloading nine free photo editing apps (listed below). The apps are normally paid, and many of them are…

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Source: LifeHacker – More Android App Credits, Kitchen Essentials, GoPro Cameras, USB Hubs

Playstation 4, Free Amazon Coins, Far Cry 4, Twin Peaks, Such Humble

Frys has the first straight discount on the Playstation 4 today, $20 off, if you can get the site to load. In other Playstation 4 deals, you can pick up a pre-owned unit from CowBoom for whatever their lowest price is at the time, plus an additional $20 off with code 14599752.

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Source: Kotaku – Playstation 4, Free Amazon Coins, Far Cry 4, Twin Peaks, Such Humble

$20 to Spend on Android Apps For $7, Cosmos, Watch Dogs, Titanfall

Today in the no-brainer category, Android owners can get $20 worth of Android apps, in the form of Amazon coins, for $7. What you’re actually doing is buying the Android version of GTA: San Andreas, which costs 7 bucks and comes with 2000 free coins ($20). If you have a Kindle Fire and want the game then all the…

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Source: Kotaku – to Spend on Android Apps For , Cosmos, Watch Dogs, Titanfall

The Solar-Powered Fridge of 1937 Made Sunbeams Into Ice Cubes In 2 Hours

We often think of solar-powered devices as pretty new. But we’ve been harnessing the sun since long before the first practical solar cell was introduced back in 1954
. For instance, in these solar-powered contraptions from a 1937 Popular Science film — including the amazing fridge that turned sunbeams into ice cubes in just two hours!

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Source: Gizmodo – The Solar-Powered Fridge of 1937 Made Sunbeams Into Ice Cubes In 2 Hours

I'm David Kadavy, Author of Design for Hackers, and This Is How I Work

David Kadavy is a designer turned author who writes about productivity, traveling, and design. His book Design for Hackers teaches developers and makers the necessity and principles of marrying good design with good engineering, and he certainly designs a productive life of his own—we’ve probably quoted him a dozen…

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Source: LifeHacker – I’m David Kadavy, Author of Design for Hackers, and This Is How I Work