Rise From Your Grave!!!


Good old memories, will never forget that voice from Altered Beast. Anyways I took a long break over the winter and shut the servers down for a while. Not sure if anyone plays or even read this so they might not have been missed. NWN and WoW are back anyways. I have not done any updates in ages but maybe I will eventually get around to it and to bring back the other servers.

WoW Weekly Updates 2014-03-23

wow-3affa3a82449 Two weeks of updates, also the server got a much needed RAM upgrade and a blow job and the WoW source and files were moved to their own dedicated partition to make more room in root and a bunch of other package updates. So in other words server got a much needed tune up.

Current core: TrinityCore rev. 3affa3a82449+ 2014-03-23 20:35:30 +0100 (HEAD branch) (Unix, Release)