Neowin: Microsoft's Windows Phone Business 'Is Dead'

An anonymous reader quote Neowin:
If you’ve been expecting Microsoft to issue a press release formally announcing the end of its Windows phone business, you’re probably hoping for a bit too much. But make no mistake: its phone hardware business is dead. RIP-dead. Send-flowers-dead. Worm-food-dead. Some fans, and even some in the media, have consistently refused to acknowledge this, despite the clear signs in recent quarters. Now, Microsoft’s own figures, and its statements regarding its phone division, should make it irrefutably clear that there is no life left in its Windows phone business.
During the quarter ending in December, Microsoft’s phone revenue dropped to just $200 million, which included some sales of feature phones, before the company completed its sale of that business unit to Foxconn in November. That figure has now dropped to virtually nothing… Today, as Microsoft published its earnings report for Q3 FY2017, it revealed that its “Phone revenue declined $730 million”. Based on its earlier financial disclosures, that means the company’s phone hardware revenue fell to just $5 million for the entire quarter ending March 31, 2017. During Microsoft’s earnings call today, its chief financial officer, Amy Hood, acknowledged this, stating that there was “no material phone revenue this quarter”. The outlook for the next few months is similarly bleak, as Hood predicted “negligible revenue from Phone” in the coming quarter.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Source: Slashdot – Neowin: Microsoft’s Windows Phone Business ‘Is Dead’

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